A new diet is sweeping the calorie conscious crowd-coconut oil and low carb diet. You've read about the low carb diet, but what role does coconut oil play in losing those extra pounds?
Low Carb
For the past several years, a low carb diet has been touted as a healthy and possibly permanent way to lose weight and keep it off. Diets such as Atkins and The South Beach Diet have found their way into thousands of homes across the country. Low carb diets are basically simple to follow.
- Cut out sugar, white flour, starchy vegetables, and some fruits.
- Stick to leafy green vegetables, whole grain breads, pastas and cereals, chicken, fish, and lean meats.
- Add exercise on a daily basis.
- Watch your portions.
Many people find success on a low carb diet. In fact, once you change the way you eat, you'll discover that eating low carb foods will not only help you lose the weight but keep it off. However, there is a new ingredient that shows additional success-coconut oil.
Coconut Oil and Low Carb Diet
Many people are surprised when they learn about the connection between coconut oil and low carb diet. For years, coconut oil has been has been integrative in speeding up the metabolic rate of people in other countries, such as the Yucatan, where coconut oil is a common addition in virtually every home. Studies have shown that coconut oil when consumed on a daily basis can speed up metabolism, and this may be one of the reasons people in this Mexican state exhibit less weight problems. In Asian countries, it has been noted that those who consume large amounts of coconut oil exhibit the lowest rate of heart disease. What has coconut oil been credited with?
- Increased metabolism
- Increased energy
- Better sleep patterns
- Weight loss
- Improved sense of wellness
- Enhanced thyroid function
How Coconut Oil Works
So, how can coconut oil and low carb diet work together? Simply choosing coconut oil rather than other vegetable oils can begin to make a difference in weight loss success. The difference between coconut oil and other vegetable oils is that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids as opposed to the long chain fatty acids. Instead of the fat circulating through the bloodstream, this fat heads straight to the liver, where it is burned up and becomes energy. Less fat is stored, and less fat is left to convert into extra calories. While coconut oil may be considered a vegetable fat, it is lower in calories than other vegetable oils. Coconut oil also enhances thyroid function by stimulating hormones, such as progesterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, which aid in weight management.
Additional Benefits
Not only does adding coconut oil to your diet possibly increase your metabolism and help you lose weight, but it also has added benefits.
- May promote heart health
- Possibly rids the body of yeasts and fungus
- Exhibits antiviral effects
- May create healthier skin
How Much?
So, now that you know the possible benefits of coconut oil, how much should you add to your daily diet? Most recommendations call for two to three tablespoons per day. Don't begin with this amount, however. Instead, work your way up by starting with only one tablespoon a day. How can you add it to your diet?
- Take a tablespoon each day by mouth.
- Add it to other flavors, such as cocoa, vanilla etc.
- Add it to a smoothie or shake
- Cook with it by frying, baking, sautéing
Is coconut oil a miracle ingredient? Only time will tell. Will it hurt to add it to your diet? Probably not, but you may want to check with your doctor. Remember, that true weight loss won't just come from adding coconut oil, but it may be an addition that helps to jumpstart a weight loss program.