You may have heard about liposomal Vitamin C and wondered if it is as miraculous as the claims surrounding it.
Liposomal Vitamin C
Liposomal vitamin C is said to be the best form of vitamin C that you can take. While you may be a die-hard fan of rose hips for the ultimate source, you might want to further investigate this newest formula said to have an absorption rate between 93 to 100 percent. While the absorption rate is exciting, it isn't the main reason everyone is chattering about it. Scientists attribute the success to the intracellular delivery of the vitamin. How does this delivery system work? The key is liposomes.
What Is a Liposome?
You may not be familiar with the term, liposome. It comes from the Greek words, lipos (fat) and soma (body). Naturally occurring lipids are made of two layers of cell membranes. This creates an effect commonly described as a bubble inside a bubble, not filled with air but liquid.
Artificial Liposomes
Artificially created liposomes are like naturally occurring ones and consist of a minute lipid membrane sac. This sac is used to store and then transport medicines or in this case, vitamin C. It's easier to understand when you visualize a liposome as a bubble within a bubble with the inner sac being filled with liquid. This same technology is also used for better delivery of certain drugs used in treating diseases like cancer.
Why Use a Liposome?
The liposome is an ideal delivery mechanism for drugs or vitamins because they are contained within the capsule-like bubble. The other membrane (bubble) fuses to other cell membranes, so instead of simply going into the blood stream like a typical vitamin supplement, the liposome vitamin C can be delivered directly to organ cells. With other forms of vitamin C, your body can only absorb so much before it is passed out of your body through urine.
Facts about Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known for its amazing properties, such as protecting against scurvy, a disease common among sailors who went without fresh vitamin C-filled citrus fruit. In addition, C is one of the best known vitamins for boosting your immune system and fighting off infections.
Negative Side-Effects
There are some negative side-effects of high doses of vitamin C which include upset stomach, gas and even diarrhea. As a water soluble vitamin, vitamin C isn't stored within the body, which means if you take more than you need, the excess is excreted through the urine. This makes vitamin C toxicity extremely rare, but it can occur in people who take very large dosages regularly. Since the delivery of liposomal C is so efficient, there's little to no risk of annoying side-effects, but if you suspect toxicity, it is important to contact your health care provider as vitamin toxicity can lead to organ failure.
Positive Effects of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is said to be the most powerful broad-spectrum anti-microbial. This means that it can kill viruses, bacteria and fungi if you can receive enough of the vitamin. That's why cancer patients and those suffering from other diseases receive intravenous vitamin therapy.
Vitamin C not only boosts your immune system, it can also benefit vital organs such as your liver which enables it to metabolize glucose and aid you in better control of your blood sugar levels. The vitamin, therefore, acts as a stabilizer. Several studies have undertaken the analysis of high levels of C in the blood stream. One such study conducted by the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine found that high levels of vitamin C might reduce your chances of dying from various diseases by as much as 50 percent.
Researcher Dr. Thomas Levy
One of the leading researchers of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C is Dr. Thomas Levy, who has been studying the results in cancer and heart patients. Dr. Levy makes some very remarkable claims that this type of vitamin C surpasses traditional intravenous vitamin C. Furthermore, he states that enough vitamin C can neutralize snake bites, as well as pesticides and heavy metals.
Vitamin C in Liposomal Form
The vitamin eliminates the need for digestive assimilation since the delivery system allows it to be absorbed almost immediately into the small intestine, which then carries it directly to the liver. The liver then disperses the powerful vitamin to other areas of the body. Another added benefit is avoiding the digestive harshness often associated with taking vitamin C since your GI tract is protected.
Herxheimer Response
There is a warning that you may suffer from Herxheimer Response when taking vitamin C in Liposomal form. This is because of the high dosage and response of your body's attempt to rid itself of infected and dead cells. Your body can become overtaxed with feelings of gas or bloating, headache, diarrhea, and even a skin rash as toxins are released from your body. Usually, such a reaction disappears within two to three days as the rush of release settles down and your body is cleansed of infection and other harmful pathogens.
Does It Work?
As you can imagine, whenever claims such as those surrounding liposomal administration of vitamin C are made, it creates quite a controversy within the scientific community. Finding this product isn't as easy as traditional vitamin C.
Some companies have undertaken offering this new technology-driven vitamin. A few offer it in liquid bottle form, but the drawback to this form is the cost since it must be packaged in ice to maintain property integrity. Other companies offer individual packets that you add to juice.
Test Driving for Yourself
The true test of any kind of health enhancing product is to try it for yourself to see if you get the same beneficial and remarkable results that others claim for liposomal vitamin C.