It's not always an easy task to find a gluten-free beer. What's even harder is finding a gluten-free beer that's also low in calories. Although the science of beer brewing has made great advances, "light," gluten-free beers are still far and few between. However, a few excellent choices still do exist.
Omission Ultimate Light
This light bodied golden ale parallels many craft beers. Omission Ultimate Light receives praise for light, malty flavors and slight hoppiness, many ranking it as a top low-calorie, gluten-free beer. Giving off slight citrus flavors, this beer is perfectly paired with a fresh summer salad or grilled salmon and asparagus. Beeradvocate ranks this beer as 3.57 out of 5 and critics love that this beer can maintain great flavor while offering 4.2 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) and the health benefits needed.
The beer is brewed with traditional beermaking ingredients, and then the gluten is removed in a process that makes it suitable for people with celiac disease. This differentiates it from other beers in that it uses malted barley, a gluten-containing ingredient, which it then removes with enzymes. While the Celiac Sprue Association has given its seal of approval, some people with celiac disease note they are having reactions to the beer. If you are particularly sensitive to gluten, you may want to proceed with caution with this one.
Omission Ultimate Light contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates and 99 calories per 12 ounces for about $10.00 per six-pack.
St. Peter's Sorgham Beer
This caramel brown English Brown Ale ranks 3.37/5 on Beeradvocate known for its sweet molasses-like taste. Fans of St. Peter's Sorgham Beer like it for its faint, warm flavors and medium body, but some report an off-putting bitter taste. A slightly heavier, warmer beer, St. Peter's pairs well with baked sweet potatoes and steaks or a chicken cacciatore. St. Peter's contains 4.20 percent ABV.
The central grain in the beer is sorghum (a slight different spelling than the brewery uses), which is a gluten-free grain that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It's a common grain used in gluten-free foods and gluten-free beers, and it has a neutral, lightly sweet flavor that it imparts to the beer. The beer contains no barley or other gluten ingredients. The American Chemical Society notes sorghum is verified as safe for people with celiac disease, so even the most sensitive should do well with this beer.
St. Peter's Sorgham Beer contains 126 calories pricing at about $6.50 for a 16.9 ounce bottle.
Joseph James FoxTail Pale Ale
Made from organic brown rice, this 5 percent ABV pale ale is brewed in Hendersonville, Nevada. Fans claim this beer is perfect for summer as it is light and crisp. However, not all love this beer stating, the floral tones tend towards soapiness. A mixture of hops and cider-like qualities, makes this beer perfect for a back yard barbeque or a day at the beach.
This brand eschews the traditional gluten-free beer ingredient, sorghum, and instead uses organic rices, nectars, and hops to replace barley. All of these ingredients are gluten-free, so this one should be safe for even the most gluten-sensitive.
Joseph James FoxTail Pale Ale touts only 130 calories in a 12 ounce can for $9.80 for a six-pack at most distributors.
Light Gluten-Free Beers
In a world that was once very limited in booze selections, gluten-free beers are widely available today. What's even better is that there are some great lower calorie options to fit anyone's diet.