Finding gently used maternity clothes can stretch your budget dollars farther and give you more money to spend on your little one. Because maternity clothes are only worn for a short period of time, purchasing hundreds of dollars worth can make no sense. Even if you plan on having more children, your seasonal clothing may not be for the right trimester during your next pregnancy. Getting used clothing may be the best option for you.
Used Maternity Clothing Stores
Buying maternity clothing from a thrift shop is one of the easiest ways to begin your search for good used clothing. Many stores have policies where only "gently worn" clothes will be accepted. These consignment shops also let you try on the clothing, so you know that it fits.
Online retailers like eBay and Yahoo Auctions also offer you the opportunity to purchase maternity clothing. The upside to online shopping is that it is quick and easy. However, you cannot try anything on that you purchase.
Look for certain items to buy used. Trendy pieces or one-time wear pieces are usually what you should buy second-hand. For example, an elegant maternity dress to wear to a wedding is something you probably will not need again. Pajamas are another thing to buy used, because no one outside of your family will know that they are previously worn.
Certain items should not be purchased second-hand. Items to purchase new include:
- Bras
- Underwear
- Supportive belts (They may have conformed to previous owner's body.)
- Shoes (With the extra weight you're carrying, you'll want supportive footwear.)
- Hosiery
Swapping Clothing
Instead of purchasing used maternity clothes, consider getting your friends together for a swap. Invite your friends and have them bring guests with them. Include friends who are currently pregnant or who have previously been pregnant. On the invitations, ask for clothing that is both maternity and non-maternity. This is a great way to clean out your closets.
Once your friends arrive, separate the clothing into the two groups. Your non-pregnant friends will enjoy getting some nice pieces to add to their wardrobe, and getting rid of their maternity clothes will add room in their closets. You and your fellow expecting moms will get nice clothing to wear throughout your pregnancy.
Yard and Garage Sales
Heading out on the weekend to hunt for deals at garage sales is a hobby for many women. But, visiting every home in a five mile radius will not guarantee you will find anything. To make garage sales more productive for you, look for advertisements in the local paper. Often, they will list the types of items for sale. If a phone number is included, call and ask what size or season their used maternity clothes are. This can save a lot of driving and frustration.
Look for ads with baby clothing in them or follow signs that advertise baby clothing. When baby clothing is sold, it usually means no more children are expected. It would be worth investigating these garage sales for used maternity clothes.
Tips for Buying Good Used Clothes
To find great used maternity clothes, you should be a careful shopper. Follow these tips for getting the most for your dollar:
- Check seams and hemlines for loose strings and alterations.
- Try on clothes whenever possible. Consider the fact that you will get larger as the months go on.
- Take the clothing into natural light to check for stains and fading.
- Look for missing buttons, snaps, or zippers that do not work.
- Check sweaters for snags and pilling.
If you find some pieces that are nice but have flaws like a missing button or small stain, ask for a price reduction. Even if the seller does not agree, it cannot hurt to ask.
Purchasing used maternity clothes is a great idea for the budget-conscious mom. Looking great during your pregnancy is not as expensive as many retailers would like you to believe.