What Is Transcendental Meditation®?
Practiced throughout the world, the Transcendental Meditation® technique was first introduced outside of India in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Also known as TM, the Transcendental Meditation technique is used to bring the mind and body to a state of balance and deep rest through a form of mantra meditation.
Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique
Through the years there have been more then 600 scientific research studies conducted in 27 countries at 210 independent research institutions and universities. The results of these studies have been printed in more than 100 scientific journals. Based on these studies the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique include:
- Reduced anxiety and stress
- Improved cardiovascular health
- Improved overall health
- Improved learning, creative and mental abilities
- Quicker reaction time
- Increased self-confidence
The Seven Steps of Learning the Transcendental Meditation technique
Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in similar programs throughout the world at Maharishi Vedic Universities, Schools and their affiliates. In their programs there are seven steps to learning TM:
- Introductory Lecture - Approximately 90 minutes long, the first session is a public lecture that covers topics including a description of the Transcendental Meditation technique, its benefits and how to get started learning the technique.
- Preparatory Lecture - The next session covers the mechanics of the TM technique in a ninety minute public lecture and discussion session. The session covers how the Transcendental Meditation technique works, the differences between TM and other meditation methods, its origin and the basics of learning the technique.
- A Personal Interview - The third session is a personal interview with a trained transcendental meditation teacher that will last approximately fifteen minutes. During this time you will have a chance to ask any questions that you may have.
- Personal Instruction - The fourth day is a two-hour session of one-to-one instruction from a qualified Transcendental Meditation teacher where the technique is taught.
- Checking Seminar Day One - The fifth day consists of a two-hour seminar used to review the techniques of TM. This session is attended by everyone that received personal instruction the day before.
- Checking Seminar Day Two - The following day the same group attends another two-hour seminar to check on individual TM techniques, answer any additional questions and explain how to stabilize the benefits of TM.
- Checking Seminar Day Three - On the seventh day the group meets to answer any new questions. The teacher will also go over everyone's individual Transcendental Meditation technique and discuss goals.
In addition to the basic steps, there are many follow-up programs that are optional, including TM-Sidhi and Yogic Flying.
Transcendental Meditation Learning Centers
Transcendental Meditation is only taught at Maharishi Vedic Universities, Schools and their affiliates. There are centers located throughout the world.
Learning the Transcendental Meditation technique is useful for reducing stress and achieving an overall healthier lifestyle. However, due to the high cost of instruction some people may need to consider alternate meditation techniques.