Orange County has many options available for anger management classes in this area of Southern California. Choices range from free classes to classes that can satisfy court orders.
Class and Therapy Options
Anger management classes provide you with the tips and tools you need to control your emotions. Many options allow you to attend the classes online or in your spare time.
AJ Novick Group
The AJ Novick Group has well-known anger management programs for adults, adolescents, couples, parents, and executives. Their programs offer:
- Weekend workshops and weekly classes in person
- Online classes
- Programs for corporations
The curriculum teaches the following skills:
- Forgiveness
- Anger management techniques
- Impulse control
- Assertive communication
- Emotional awareness
Some courses are certified to fulfill court orders. These classes vary in price, anywhere from $200 upwards, and many offer a certificate of completion and "unlimited progress reports."
Dr. Fiore and Associates
Dr. Fiore and Associates focuses on helping people with anger and stress management. They offer in-person, weekly classes for adults and the option to take online classes.
Their weekly course is a ten-week long course taught by Dr. Fiore. These classes cost approximately $395, which includes the costs of the materials and the enrollment fee.
Dr. Fiore's system is based upon his "8 Tools of Anger Control":
- How to manage stress
- Becoming empathic
- Being able to think before you act
- Altering your mental script
- How to be assertive when you speak instead of aggressive
- Be more flexible when what happens doesn't match your expectations
- Learning forgiveness
- Learning how to pull yourself away and use your thoughts to sort out your feelings
There are class discussions, videos, and homework assignments.
The online ten-hour course and sixteen-hour course are guaranteed to fulfill court-ordered requirements. If they don't, you would be entitled to a refund.
Dr. Fiore is part of the National Anger Management Association and a Fellow in The American Institute of Stress.
Dr. Jane Drew
If you are looking for a therapist to help you with your anger, you might want to consider Jane Myers Drew, PhD. Dr. Drew is a clinical psychologist and has 25 years of experience. She will help you identify what propels you into uncontrollable rage and ways to change your emotions and behaviors because of it.
Dr. Drew, through individual and couples counseling, can help you understand the anatomy of your own anger. She will help you examine how you grew up and the environment you are in now to learn the source of your anger and how you can control it.
According to Dr. Drew, her fees are $160 per session, and she accepts Aetna Insurance.
Marc Bock, D.C., PhD
If you like a private counseling session, Dr. Bock is another option for you for anger management. He specializes in anger management and helps both couples and individuals. Other areas of expertise include:
- Conflict resolution
- Relationship improvement
- Consequences of anger
Dr. Bock's approach integrates his learning in "physical science, psychological science, spirituality and martial arts" to help individuals, couples and families with their anger issues.
Dr. Bock is one of the psychologists located in the northern area of Orange County. His fees range from $170 to $200. He is also a chiropractor, so you can get an adjustment as well.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities offers a broad range of services, including anger management, in Santa Ana. They offer counseling services by licensed counselors and supervised interns. Payment is based upon your income.
FACES Family Assessment Counseling
This is a community counseling service for families, adults, and adolescents. FACES offers a 26 hour class for adults that covers many different situations where anger mismanagement could be an issue, such as home and office, bullying, and how angry parents alienate their children.
Their anger management course for teens is a 16 hour class and teaches skills for anger management and social situations.
There is a sliding fee for their classes based upon what you earn and a registration fee.
FACES has several locations throughout California. Visit their website for a schedule of classes and information about other services they provide such as parenting classes.
The Turning Point Centers for Families
The Turning Point Centers for Families offers low-cost counseling services and group counseling for anger management. Their programs include group counseling for both teenagers and adults a few times a week on site. Their fees are based upon your income.
Finding Additional Classes
If you are still looking for anger management help in the surrounding area of Orange County, there are some sites listing other providers.
- The Network of Care lists approved anger management classes offered throughout Orange County.
- The law office of Wallin and Klarich offers a list of "Approved Counseling and Anger Management Programs" for Orange County.
- Psychology Today offers many therapists who specialize in anger management, and also include a range of what the therapist charges for their services, including whether or not they take insurance.
Another option is to ask for recommendations from mental health or substance abuse facilities, which usually have programs themselves or know of them due to referring their own clients out to them. Find a provider close to work or home in Orange County who can give you the help you need.